Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Today I feel somewhat lonely. Every time I question my existence in this world, I cant help but to feel lost and small among so many other –things of more importance
When I compromise my feelings for the sake of someone else’s happiness, it seems like an act of kindness. When that someone else expects me to sacrifice my feelings for the sake of his or her own happiness, it seems like an act of selfishness
When I loose my freedom to act and feel, I loose my drive to breathe
We can not force happiness upon someone, or question its existence or non-existence, it just is, when it shall, how it will.
When I do things that are not “me”, I feel like I’m betraying myself
Its sad when I wake up some mornings, realizing that what I thought was a thought so profound is actually something so dumb
The simple truth is that I want to remain “me”, untouched and rare. I despise when people think they know whats best for me. I do not need you to shower my seed, I choose to wait for the rain
What you may think of as important always seems so trivial to me
Someone clipped my wings when I reached out to embrace
I don’t want to search because it is too dark, cant I wait for the moonlight?
Why does it bug me so much that I have nothing to remind me of my childhood? Is it because it is no longer with me?
Thou shall not put thy burden of guilt on thy neighbor
I hate to hear people’s voices that try to teach me how to live
People see wisdom in different things
There are two types of lies: The ones we tell to others & the ones we tell ourselves
Sometimes you just kno things
I feel different today
Do not try to chop of its branch every time it creeps for sunlight
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I Wuff You!!!!!!

I haven't slept much today. Was awake the night trying to comfort Milano.
A dog in my dad's center gave birth to 7 puppies. Its funny, but all of em are so distinctively different. I couldn't help it but take one home. Named him Milano. Hez pure black but he has the most loveliest shaggy coat. 3 weeks old, what a darling. Im giving him up to my cousin next month.
Grr, its gonna be tough trying not to get attached to him. They're like babies aren't they? And i love the soft toffee smell you get on puppies, and their gentle huff when you lift them up.
The look on his mothers face as i took him away was like a stab to my heart. Heard him cry himself to sleep today morning. *sniff*.
Sigh- now thats my true passion in life, being close to what is most pure. I wanna take a few years off when i'm older and live in the jungle. I wanna swim with the whales, touch the elephants feet, kiss the orang utan and watch the horn bills fly. I want to sleep on the grass, wash my face in a river and ohh.... i almost fogot.... find my unicorn.
Pull out the bip before reading....
juice of 1 lime (or to taste) - I used calamansi limes
100g caster sugar (or to taste)
8-10 mangosteen shells with lids, rinsed and dried

How i wish it was mangosteen season all year long!!!!!!! This is torture i tell ya... !!!! Someone whip me a margarita. I cant handle the stress. Its almost as frustrating as not being able to lick my own elbow.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Manis Di Mulut

I had Tang for the first time after so so many years. I was ecstatics when i saw it in the super market. The packaging has changed tho, remember how our tang used to come in thick glass bottles with green wrapping? The one we bought was a tacky yellow packaging that came in a bag. Unlike our good old Smarties and Haw flakes which taste cheaper as the years go by, Tangs somehow managed to sustain its tangy tingly zesty feeling on your tongue. I didn't have a chance to make a glass today, so i grabbed the small packet and stuffed it in my handbag as i rushed out the door headed to work. The first thing i did when i reached the office was to sit down and enjoy myself a cold cup of Tangs. Ouu Yummy. It all kinda brought back old memories. Glucose came to mind too, the grape flavor was my favorite. I cant imagine drinking glucose again, it just sounds ikky to me now, but i think i wouldn't mind having some of the powder. I remember eating all the powder from my tree-drops and refilling it with the glucose. It never quite tasted the same, but at least they looked alike. Oh Oh .... and my favorite....Fruitips!!! This may sound a bit creepy, but i goggled it..and i found out that Nestle had stopped production in Malaysia and the nearest place we can get it is in Singapore. Oh boy, that's not too far for some good old Fruitips. Maybe i should venture into Fruitips importing. I'm sure that all of us 70's and 80's kids would pool me much demand.
How we long for the things that remind us of our childhood. Just a few days ago, Eddy, Thilly and i came across a roti man riding his bike overflowing with all sorts of roti and chickadees on the road. There was a sudden excitement in the car. we couldn't stop the roti man because there were just too many cars on the road so we followed him for a bit and honked till he stopped. i think our eyes were too greedy, each of us grabbed two packets of buns each, however, i was quite disappointed because he didn't have my keropok durian. i was still overjoyed, for a second, i felt like ive known that roti man all my life. we took our bread home and had it after dinner. Potato bun, koko bun and the bun keras. ouuuu,,,,,, nothing like it eh? :)
p/s: Charlene, i promise to bring the packet of Tang right back home.
White Flag

When I was growing up, I hardly remember much of my dad. He was always off to some far away land earning a living. Close to him I was somehow, I remember crying outside my house one day as I waved goodbye to him.
As we grew older, Mum finally built up some courage to take on a job. She traveled daily to KL, left at 6 am and reached home at 9 pm. I grew very independent during these years, as I had to care for myself and the home. Father figures came and went, I grew much attached to one particular man but they all passed away like flies from AIDS.
I moved in with my sister a day after my SPM had ended, took on a 15 hour job as a waitress in DOME KLCC that paid me RM700 a month and treated me like crap.
After four month of Cinderella torture, I moved to Pantai Hillpark. College had just started and the jobs that I took on were pretty ok. Things were good for me. I found a few new friends in college that I got along with, day by day our friendship grew stronger, 5 years in counting. Back at home there was always Joe and Thilly to brighten my day and lean on in times of trouble. The three of us were inseparable. It kinda felt like Joe was our third house mate because she hardly went back home even though it was just a few floors down, but of course; her presence was more than loved. Thilly and I took on a job at TGI Friday’s where we had the most exciting and memorable time (I’’’ save that for another day). I had discovered a whole new family here in KL, and it soon became my home. People came and left the house, and my new found family grew bigger, but none of them ever left my life. Later on came Charlene and her family whom perfected the empty spots in my circle.
Months passed by and I grew more apart from my real family, or what was left of it. I don’t remember going home or even picking up the phone to call anyone one of them; but I was doing ok. My new found boyfriend had kept me pretty occupied and happy. I remember waiting for a phone call from my mother on my 18th birthday, but she never did. But I understand why, she knew I was angry at her.
We started talking months after, but I was always rude and constantly angry. She tried very hard to win me over, but nothing worked for almost a year. I could not forgive, for leaving me at times when I think I most needed her. I learnt to detach myself and I became someone else, a young lady who was her own and nobody else’s.
My 23rd birthday celebration with my family that year was the best ive ever had. My family always took the effort to celebrate birthdays no matter what the situation was, but this time I felt something different in the air: everybody was there as usual- but this time they all wanted to be there and it wasn’t just some stupid obligation towards the other.
The festive season blew in more fun. We had a family trip down to JB and laughed throughout our journey there.
Dad- your priorities were always wrong, you made may mistakes in life, but I love the way you love strangers- and you have thought me how.
Mom- youre kinda psychotic, I dunno where to start. Hahah, but I love the way you feel the pain and joy of people close to you- and you have thought me how.
Aka- You are so irritating- I love the way you are yourself- and you have thought me how.
Ana- You have caused much worry in our hearts- but I love the way you are, for the person you are inside beneath everything that others judge you for- and you have thought us all.
H a P p Y n E w Y e A r ! ! !
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Sunken

He struggled for a while, but then he kept still. Inch my inch, the sand sucked him in. From his waist, to his neck to his lips. He said a soft prayer, and closed his eyes.
The trees wept for him, but he never knew. The sadness lingered around the forest, slowly as the trees started to shed their green leaves and wither away. Autumn was ending and winter blanketed, but will spring promise them brighter days?
Their creeping crap

Once you have opened this e-mail, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs. Read your sign, then forward it on, with your zodiac sign and label on the subject line. This is the real deal, try ignoring or changing it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets worse from there. 14 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
I don't believe in curses, but i do believe it sends out negative energy- which in one way or the other, to the least, cause one some anxiety or fear.
Here i am embracing this curse, Bring it on sucker!! To whoever that sent me or anyone else this, UP YOURS!!!!