According to some believes, spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate goal of all things living. It is the last stage of life, the path worth crossing, as your soul ascends into the next realm that awaits. Yogis spend their lifetime meditating, hoping to someday be a part of the glorious invitation. Buddha achieved enlightenment while meditating under a tree. It is said that once you have received the gift, you would be all knowledgeable, all knowing and all the secrets of the world would be reviled to you.
I quote a paragraph from The Living Buddha, 2005: A Buddha or fully enlightened one, is regarded as a sentient being who has developed all positive qualities, and has eradicated all negative qualities, and with complete wisdom sees things "as they are. "Enlightenment in zen - the state of being with no "little" mind. It is the disappearance of the ego. It is the loss of all identification with the body and the mind. It is freedom from beliefs, opinions, ideals and concepts.
As I was reading this book I thought, it seems almost impossible for an average functional modern day, middle class working individual to achieve such greatness and importance in life. We can hardly hear ourselves think in our busy day, less alone seek the divine intervention by chance. One must be detached of all things physical, detached of all thoughts- like them who devote their life to meditation. But then again, maybe there are amongst us who serve this cause. Born in a state of purity, remain in a state of purity, detached from everything and anything earthly, free from all thought.
Here I refer to those who steal a special place in our hearts. People who suffer, on in this case, gifted with severe mental and motor impairment, lacking of their awareness and existence. If this was true for some at least, do they not see things as what they are, free of all ego, and most importantly, free from all negative intentions and thoughts? Them who are pure, them who are happy, them who are zen, them who are content, and them who are calm.
Must we actively seek enlightenment or can it just miraculously happen when the soul has reached its prime. A lifetime on earth dedicated to living zen, and being a sentient individual. Perhaps, they are the most wise of us all, holders of ancient souls, possessor of all knowledge.
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