My catechism teacher (Mr.Pati) once shared a story about this man whose life was so miserable and hated God so much for causing him all the pain. To ease the suffering inside, he would go to church and curse at the alter all Sabbath day long.
Me and my other 8 year old classmates were appalled by the story, ‘boy is he gonna burn in hell we thought’. Mr.Pati made us understand that it is people like him that would be promised a place in heaven, because unlike most of who attend church, this man believed. This man had faith that God was listening to him without an ounce of doubt.
One’s spirituality can not and should not be measured by physical earthly things such as a rosary in the pocket, the masses you attend every Sunday or a bible in the hand. Being close to god is something maya to this world.
I never discuss my faith or spirituality in open, but this is something I feel obliged to share with others. It is something my father thought me, the rock of my faith and values. This I quote my father “ Help as many people as you can while you live, be gods hands, that is the closest you can get to heaven on earth”.
Animal nature and instinct only drive us humans towards survival of ourselves, and anything that can contribute to the spread of our genes. Any other love and care that extends beyond this cycle is the hands of god working in you. Smiling at a stranger, helping out a blind man or even petting a stray dog are actions beyond our instinct. And that is why, I believe, that people feel good after reaching out to others in need. Reach out more, and feel the energy growing in you.
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