I read a very disturbing article in The Star today called “Say ‘no’ to pre-marital HIV test”. It was written by a reader in response to the mandatory pre-marital HIV test for Muslims by Jakim. Just to summaries what she expressed, below are her thoughts and worries in bold.
It’s a disregard to human rights!
A violation of human rights in this case, would be if these results were used for reasons other than the betterment of the HIV epidemic which is on the rise in our country. What rights is she talking bout here? The right to remain ignorant?
This ruling causes panic and distress
I believe that there are things of greater importance other than one’s anxiety such as our next generation and the future of our nation. Mandatory HIV testing can be hope to a decrease in the spread of the HIV virus, an increase in the awareness of self health and a spare of innocent lives. 90 % of people infected with HIV are not aware they are infected with the virus. Being aware of your health condition gives you a chance to medicate yourself. An AIDS patient under proper medication is able to live a normal and healthy life, and in most cases, even an average lifespan. I wonder which one would she choose? a) A happy bride and groom who die young and infect their children? or b) A distressed bride and groom who live a healthy and normal life?.
Love, trust and respect will fly out the window if we find out that their partner has HIV. It will be the end of their marriage.
Question, can and would you trust, love and respect someone who hides the truth from you? Only 52% of people infected with HIV in developing countries tell their partner about their condition. A total of 2800 housewives have been infected by HIV from their husbands since the year 1986. Abandoning your infected partner may seem like the only choice, but if you do really love, trust and respect, there are always other alternatives to work out a marriage. May I suggest, adopting children to start out a family and practicing safe sex can promise you a pretty functional and normal family.
Malaysians is not that forgiving and understanding if they come to know
It is not denied that there is still a huge stigma on persons living with HIV/AIDS. Our job is to fight this stigma, not try to hide it.
Future of partner will be ruins
Worries of rejection by society is understandable. An important piece of information that should be taken into consideration is that results of these HIV test are confidential. Nobody needs to know if you don’t want them to.
Has the authority considered people who are infected by blood transfusion. What will happen to them?
The purpose of this mandatory ruling is not to punish the victim. No matter what the mode of transfusion may be, the ruling is there to stop the spread of HIV.
Children will suffer exclusion, Job offers will dry up, Patients in hospitals might complain
Work should not be affected because mandatory HIV screening in job applications are illegal in our country. There should also be no worries regarding objections from other patients in hospitals because they have a special infectious disease unit in all hospitals. Also, referring to worries about children and what they might face, its funny, this is the whole purpose of the mandatory screening, to stop the spread of HIV to our future generation. What does she mean when you want to protect the children? Wait a minute, lemmie guess, protect them from shame? Alas! I think i found our missing link!
No professional counselors for the victim, HIV test is expensive
This is pure bullshit!!! There are many government and NGO’s that offer counseling services and free HIV testing. This can always be an alternative. Though, I do agree that the cost of these tests might be a potential problem. Therefore, the government should look into subsidizing or bearing the cost of these tests.
Why not educate the public?
Some may think of this as extreme measures. Truth being, both the government and NGO sector have never stopped pouring endless effort in educating the public about HIV. However, these escalating numbers of HIV cases in our country are not just numbers; it is proof that merely education is not enough to stop this epidemic. We have to take positive action!!
Why are only the Muslims punished?
I also strongly agree with the reader by objecting that such measures should not be subjected to Muslims. Why the segregation? I think all races and religion in this country should be subjected to such measures. It is not a punishment, it is a blessing.
I sympathize on those who can not see the bigger picture. The cause that we should be fighting for. Aids does not discriminate, why should we???
I congratulate Jakim Jakin director-general, Datuk Wan Mohamad on his wise decision. This is the best thing anyone has done for
P/s: What about the rest of us? Just for your info, sex does not discriminate either. You can’t stop Muslims from falling in love with other races. I see a huge gap in your plan. Care to patch it up Mister?
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