I quote these questions that has been uttered to me over and over again by various people, “why do you have to make things so complicated?”, or “Why do you have to think so much?”. The word Complicated: complex, difficult, knotty, problematic. There is a negative connotation to the common perception of these words. In this, I beg to differ. Complicated in my world would mean that the matter holds greater importance and requires to be thought through, maybe a little more than the others. And as for thinking too much… well, sorry if it out beats your cognitive quota of the day.
Women, synonym as the word caring. People of my gender are more loving and thoughtful, with the proof of The Evolution Theory to back me up. There is no running away from these feelings inside. I feel every little smile, every hug, every rainbow, every tear, every nail chip, every bad hair day, every part of me and you. Sometimes, it’s inevitable for these emotions to get tangled up with each other, some lost in translation, and things become; what others may perceive to be - bad complication.
There is an inner beauty in things all complicated. The roads in KL are so complicated- that’s because a few kind souls thought of our convenience and figured out many different roots and alternatives to get to one destination. Math’s is so complicated- we have to thank our great mathematicians that went down history by spending a lifetime figuring out formulas. Relationships are so complicated- you better wish it was!
Complication is just a manifestation of my love. My passion, my involvement and my thoughts in the things I do and the people I care for. If I should complicate your life in any way- that’s only because you are worth all my time thinking about. For those who complicate my life, I love you too. Nothing gives me more answers that than my very own complications.
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