I think I owe it to my fever to spare some time and space to acknowledge and salute her for all her hard work and effort to make my life a living hell. Kudos I must say, she made my flesh weak, but the spirit is still strong. I’m suppose to meet someone for lunch in a bit, I almost feel embarrassed to step out of my office. My hair looks like a hives nest, I have peeling skin flaking off my nose, my eyes look like I just smoked a bong, and the constant need to wipe snort off my face is not so appealing I must say.
I brought a small hankie that I stole from a hotel washroom to work today, I rotated it 360 degrees, flipped it over and navigated it well but it only took 30 minutes for me to cover the entire radius. So I walked down the spiral stairs, and fluttered around like a dying moth in search of some tissue- willing to settle for literal ass wipes, but apparently we have run out of funding to fund ass wipes. Just a random thought- do environmentalists use ass wipes? I’m sure that by the time you’re on your death bed (assuming that you lived the average lifespan), you would at least killed one full grown tree, which would have took more than 40 years to sprout through rough whether and provided shelter for parasite plants, ants, birds, and many other living beings…..just to wipe your ass. How mighty are we humans heh?
So I found a tissue box in the conference room, it says: Royal Gold Luxurious Interleaf Tissues, thicker, stronger for silky comfort, color tinted, 3 ply and 100 % pulp. Wow, just from the name, I feel like the luckiest woman alive. Its blue and feminine, with a lacy border, and it is thick n strong I have to stay. Tho, I think I kill the feminity of it every time I stick it up my nose to stop my snort from dripping over my keyboard and reports.
I hit the button, and I waited by the lift hoping that I wouldn’t bump into anyone. Crossed he road and ran into the shop. I’m not sure if it’s in my head, but I swear that the entire shop was starring at me. I wonder if they could see the skin peeling off my nose from two feet away. But I had my trusty Royal Gold Tissue with me, at least it was an indicator to my spectators that I was ill and THIS is not the way I usually look. Plus, I think my Royal Gold tissue would have added class to my appearance. I mean, how many people out there could have afforded Royal Gold Luxurious Interleaf Tissues, thicker, stronger for silky comfort, color tinted, 3 ply and 100 % pulp just to blow their nose??? It was tissue fit for the king, and it made me feel like royalty. Looks aside tho, I think my only saving grace was my well shaped eyebrows.
In the midst of lunch, I had one of my psychotic compulsions. It was to stuff as many tissues as I can up my nose. I hurried my lunch, and ran back into the office. So here I am, sitting at the top floor of Tenaganita along with my 3 other colleagues that are well scattered across the room, trying to stuff tissue up my nose. Current standing score- 8 Royal Gold Luxurious Interleaf Tissues, thicker, stronger for silky comfort, color tinted, 3 ply and 100 % pulp up my nose. If I hit 10, I’m rewarding myself with one Marlboro Light ciggie. I think it’s a fair trade.
Santa Maria, this fever is killing me. Just switched on Mix FM to listen to the winner of the “Pay your bill” competition. Me and my ass luck, I can’t believe that I’m still hoping for my name to be called out….. and this is coming from a girl that looses her underwear in public and has NEVER won a competition in her life. But honestly, I think my story was among one of the most pathetic cases all, it definitely beats that bimbo who spent all of her ang pau on cookies and was stuck with credit card bills, or hat A-hole that vacationed his savings away. Some people just have it all.
Just heard on the radio that earth hour is around the corner. All the publicity last year, it’s sad how the enthusiasm had simmered off a tad bit this year. I was surprised at the support it managed to rope in last year. I switched off the car lights on the highway and went on a first date for a salsa lesson in a dark room lit with candles. Besides the groping gatal boy that was lurking around the corner, it was a pretty awesome night. Everyone I knew were also doing something to commemorate the hour. Vigils, gatherings or simply just sitting in the dark.
Did the one hour of “lights off” really make a difference in the world or did we go back to slowly murdering our mother when the lights went on again? I think that earth hour was more symbolic rather than an effort to make a difference for most people. Were we saying sorry to mother earth, showing her that we cared but yet, we do not have the will and strength to change our habitual ways? Should we feel proud for observing earth hour or should we feel humiliated for the rest of the 8759 hours that follow in the year which we choose to remain traitors and hypocrites?
Should I take that extra mile and overcome my psychotic compulsion so that I can stop stuffing Royal Gold Luxurious Interleaf Tissues, thicker, stronger for silky comfort, color tinted, 3 ply and 100 % pulp up my nose? Its not about being a nature lover anymore, its not about taking in homeless animals, its not about abstaining from buying leather and all the other things that comes naturally to us. It’s about taking that extra mile and being conscious of our habitual ways………. It’s about putting down my Royal Golden tissue and carrying bigger hankies.
I'm very glad you have moved from using t shirts to wipe your snort to royal gold. Truly an achievement!!!!