There are people who come to visit us...students, doctors, people from religious organisations.....
They greater around my bed, and they watch me. I wonder what goes through their minds, maybe they are thanking god that its not them lying in this bed. Most of them pity me, i feel like a specimen under study. Why wont they touch me? Why wont they ask me about my dreams and hopes? Do they not see that i too, am human just like them?
I want to be touched. I reach out to hold their hand, but nobody would touch me. It is not my disease that will kill me, i will die because i yearn for love and acceptance. My family has abandoned me, is there hope that a friend or a stranger can find it in their heart to love me? Do i even matter in this world? Am i strong enough to change your life? Would you ever have the chance to know? Would you tell your friends that i exist?
How do we decide our priorities in life? Do these priorities only involve “i”? What about the rest?
We strive so hard to be independent individuals. We study hard, we get a degree, we find our perfect job, we buy a car, we find our perfect mate and alas.....we are independent individuals. Does being independent make us independent of our feelings?
I took part in a discussion today called “World Cafe-lights off”.
Imagine if the lights went off one night, and you look outside the window and you realised that the lights were off in the entire city. The next day you wake up, and through word of mouth, you find out that the lights had gone off in the entire country. On the third day, you come to know that the lights have been off in the entire Asia, and the whole world. God knows if there would be hope for electricity again...ever. People are panicking, what about food and communication?
The thing is, it ain’t such a big deal. Like our ancestors, its possible to survive through communal living. We work together, we live together. That's when you really matter. What you decide to do today, might determine if your neighbour would survive the next day. Your joy depends on the joy of your neighbour. That's when we are as human as human can be. When we learn to love the people around us, when we learn to love our neighbours as we learn to love ourselves.
Wheres the Independence? Was there really such a thing when they lived in caves? Independence came from our responsibility over society itself. But things have changed. We don't need someone else to keep us alive. Sadly, our values changed with time too. We got a lil bit disconcerted with the rest. We strayed away. And we fogot the role that we were born to play, we have forgotten our responsibility to love society, our responsibility to love our neighbors.
Who will hold their hand??? So entangled in the “I” “us” and “them”, what about the “we”?
Are we all human beings trying to be spiritual, or are we spiritual beings trying our best to be human?
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