I’ve been assigned to come up with a training toolkit for migrants on HIV & AIDS. So for the past two weeks, all I’ve seen on my lappie is sex sex, sex, anal, vaginal, oral, sex sex, sex!!! Pictures, research, sex, sex, sex!!!
One of the cleaning aunties passed by my table yesterday to clear out the trash, the look on her face when she saw the different stages of putting on a condom on my screen was priceless. I doubt she knows it’s part of my work…she probably thinks I’m a perve.
I’m imagining myself in front of more than 100 migrant men talking about safe sex, and alternative non-intercourse stimulation (which includes a partner’s thigh!!) , and flavored condoms and vaginal fluid, demonstrating how to put on a condom, and ohh, worst of all…anal sex!!! …. Santa maria, I’d probably faint from anxiety, or embarrassment.
All the hype about harm reduction and protection against HIV, but I’ve noticed that most of the information available does not stress on the dangers of unprotected oral sex. ORAL sex is the cause of most incidents of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in the country.
There is a high chance of contracting HIV if the person performing the act has cuts or sores in his/her mouth, if ejaculation takes place in the mouth, and if the individual receiving oral sex has HIV. The risk is primarily for the person performing the oral sex. Unless a partner has significant amounts of blood in his/her mouth oral sex is unlikely to expose the receptive partner to HIV.
You know and I know, that young people hardly ever use protection when performing oral sex, especially when a man is performing oral sex on a woman. In a relationship, I guess it’s good to get to know your partner’s body and make sure that there are no wounds around the genitals that could transmit fluid. Other than that, also get to know your own body, check your mouth and genitals for sores, cuts or blisters. Avoid oral sex until the body has healed.
For one night stands and booty calls, avoid unprotected oral sex at all cost. In the midst of intoxication or the heat of the moment, I doubt one would want to kill the mood with a body check up…plus, you may come off as being creepy.
Always use condoms for blow jobs. If you hate the taste of latex, try the flavored ones. If a man wants to return the favor, one should always use a dental dam. A dental dam is a piece of thin latex that you place on the vagina before any contact with the mouth. It’s hard to find dental dams in regular shops in Malaysia, and the ones that are available are somewhat pricey.
There is, however, a way around this problem. Using a condom and scissors, you can make a dental dam yourself! Just cut off the tip of the condom and unroll it down. Cut down side one part of the condom until the end.
You now have a latex rectangle perfect for use during oral sex!
Sounds like a real mood kill huh? I guess it takes some getting use to, but it saves lives. Dental dams and condoms are bitches at the start, but once it has regulated to your body heat, its less distracting. You can also try using lubricant for the dental dams to create a more “natural” sensation. Who knows heh, might turn out to be fun for both you and your partner!!!! *CHEERS*
p/s: Mum, put down the phone. Take a deep breath. Deeper!!!
Now listen, its just for awareness. Doesn’t mean that I’m speaking from my
own experience *ahem* .........shudder...........
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