Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This one is special
SANTA MARIA!!!!! Anxiety is building up!!!! Joe is due somewhere this/next week. Grrrr, i havnt had time to assimilate to the change. I pray all goes well. Shall be running down to JB to welcome baby Zion into the world when his stars and planets meet at the right time and place. As far as love is concern, yet another bundle of joy to add to my list of earthly delights. Sperfabulistic!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Indigo Children

Ever felt like you don’t quite fit in? Maybe you were made for things greater than just “fitting in” :)
Many energy healers around the world started noticing a surge of babies born after the 1970’s to have indigo aura. According to their statistics, more than 60 % of people aged 14-25 are “indigo babies”. Indigo children have been on earth for as long as 100 years, but has increased in numbers since the world war two. Indigo children are believed to be sensitive beings, and very empathic towards their surroundings. They tend to be very in-tuned with the feelings of others, and are easily able to detect emotions. Indo babies have a clear sense of their “self” and feel a need to make a big change in his world, also recognized for their high talents and appreciation for creativity. They often ponder about their spirituality, and are known to be “wise beyond their years” because of their search for the self. Also very self-driven rather than system followers, which always makes them rebels, and thus the engine of change in the world.
The indigo phenomenon is believed to be a next step in our evolution as the human species. We are all capable of become Indigo children, but those born with it are here to show the way. Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos inner lie-detectors are integral. These children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame the children with labels, we will crush a civilization before its had time to take roots.
Until fairly recently, all humans born on Earth were born as Third Dimensional beings. This means that they were fully in the material plane or realm, and their consciousness was "locked" into the Third Dimension. They functioned on the first three chakras, the material, the emotional and the mental. Where there was spirituality, it was usually seen as something outside or other than normal every day functioning. For example, Buddha had to sit under a tree for years to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Many energy healers around the world started noticing a surge of babies born after the 1970’s to have indigo aura. According to their statistics, more than 60 % of people aged 14-25 are “indigo babies”. Indigo children have been on earth for as long as 100 years, but has increased in numbers since the world war two. Indigo children are believed to be sensitive beings, and very empathic towards their surroundings. They tend to be very in-tuned with the feelings of others, and are easily able to detect emotions. Indo babies have a clear sense of their “self” and feel a need to make a big change in his world, also recognized for their high talents and appreciation for creativity. They often ponder about their spirituality, and are known to be “wise beyond their years” because of their search for the self. Also very self-driven rather than system followers, which always makes them rebels, and thus the engine of change in the world.
The indigo phenomenon is believed to be a next step in our evolution as the human species. We are all capable of become Indigo children, but those born with it are here to show the way. Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos inner lie-detectors are integral. These children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame the children with labels, we will crush a civilization before its had time to take roots.
Until fairly recently, all humans born on Earth were born as Third Dimensional beings. This means that they were fully in the material plane or realm, and their consciousness was "locked" into the Third Dimension. They functioned on the first three chakras, the material, the emotional and the mental. Where there was spirituality, it was usually seen as something outside or other than normal every day functioning. For example, Buddha had to sit under a tree for years to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
The Third Dimensional being is aware of him or herself as a separate and unique individual. There is no real sense of the unity or oneness of consciousness that is a factor of higher dimensional consciousness. Because of this sense of separation, humans have built a society that has very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. And because of this lack of awareness, humans have created a planet of sorrow and suffering, where individuals see no need to be responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Fear of not surviving on the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to greed and imbalances that need to be addressed in order to create a stable planetary home for all humans.
The Indigo children arrived with the key to multi-dimensionality. They were born into Third Dimensional bodies, but their consciousness was effectively in the Fourth Dimension and capable of moving into the Fifth. When this "wave" of Indigo consciousness arrived on the planet in the early 1970s, the way was opened for all humans and the planet itself to shift into the Fourth Dimension.
At the Fourth Dimensional level of Consciousness, humans become aware of the Universal Law of One, otherwise known as "Unity Consciousness". This Law states that we are all One, we are all connected and that whatever affects one of us affects all of us. Indigo children carry this awareness in their consciousness, and it leads them to be warriors for many causes that will heal the Earth and stop humans from destroying and polluting their environment and harming other humans. The Law of One also fosters the understanding in Indigo beings that we are all equal, and that no one is greater than any other. The Indigo-Crystal adventure represents a huge evolutionary leap for the human species.
The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. 90% of children aged between 1-7 are believed to be “crystal babies”. The first thing most people notice about Crystal Children is their eyes, large, penetrating, and wise beyond their years.
The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. In the new world which the Indigos are ushering in, we will all be much more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We won't rely so much upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be faster, more direct, and more honest, because it will be mind to mind.
So, it's not surprising that the generation following the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. Many of the Crystal Children have delayed speech patterns, and its not uncommon for them to wait until they're 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking. The trouble comes about when the Crystals are judged by medical and educational personnel as having "abnormal" speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as the number of Crystals are born, that the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record high.
As the indigo children have left their mark of change onto this world, it is the role of the Crystal children to maintain this change, act as a link between the transitions, and bring peace to the world as we evolve into our Golden Era.
Monday, March 9, 2009

The three Arokiam women decided to get together today and take a drive down to Kuala Kubu Bharu. Tei, a lively young Chin refugee that has been helping my sister out in her farm also followed us on our little crusade. I always feel stronger somehow, when I am in the company of my two favorite women-yet unbearable. The two hour journey was quite what I expected- a whole lot of nonsense, which kinda made sence on that particular journey. I was put in the back seat of the car, and watched by the rest as they awaited for me to kick off a young and bubbly conversation with Tei. Nothing came to mind besides the usual “ASL please”. 15 minutes down the journey, dagger stares were thrown from my sister followed by comments from my mother, in Tamil!!! Oh boy, Tamil meant trouble, definitely something she wouldn’t have wanted Tei to understand. As the pressure was building up in the car, I saw Tei lean forward from the corner of my eye. She held a tissue on her mouth and vomited out the chakuai that we ate a few minutes before. Boy, What a relief. All attention was on her and the “funny air” was gone- now covered with vomit fumes. We stopped by the side of the road and spent most of the journey fussing over her. Conversation came naturally after that, I guess I just needed an ice-breaker, in whatever form. Instead of the usual pass the parcel, pass the vomit seemed quite suitable. Saved by the vomit.
We parked our car by the hill, and walked up to Antares’ house. Antares is a well-known local artist, a rebel at heart, eccentric at being, and one that fights for a good cause…just because. From afar, I saw his wife, Anoor waving at us. Wrapped in what we would call rags, there stood a woman- a real woman. Her skin was dark, features somewhat unique, short curly hair, thin and petite, young in flesh but old in soul. Antares now stays with the orang asli in Kuala Kubu Bharu, well-assimilated into their culture, and the proud husband of one of the locals. I have heard stories before, that Antares had wedded a “special” woman, and was gifted with one “special” son. I was there that day, to meet them- and of course taste Antares’ famous “magic mushrooms” that he had promised us prior to our visit. However, sadly, unfortunately, and with much relief to my mother, Antares had helped himself to a few cups of “happy tea” while waiting for our arrival. His six dogs and five cats roamed his land and shared the vicinity.
We climbed up the stairs leading to his house, bearing gifts of shit- literally. My sister thought that it would be a nice gesture to bring him some organic fertilizer- to enrich his rich land. True enough, he was ecstatic at the sight of shit. We introduced ourselves to the family. His wife seemed a little reserved and skeptic. His son, a 12 year old naked boy, thin and tall, squatted on a plastic chair glued to the computer- was completely oblivious to our presence. Unlike his father, this little one couldn’t give two shits. The house was on stilts, so I walked below the window and called for him. He greeted me with an “alien language”. Most of his syllables were made up of the sounds “la” and “na’. In a weird way, I completely understood him. A thought passed through my mind- he didn’t mind not being understood- which by itself is an understanding of the self that is so profound. He made me smile, and I made him “na na la la la”.
The sky was starting to get dark, we felt a few drops of rain trickle down our body. We immediately packed the necessary, gathered the heard and headed down to the waterfall. How sweet it must be- living next to such a majestic creation, with the sound of the cicadas to kill the silence- being in a place that was made for you, in your land that you inherited from children, right where one was ment to be.
The journey there took barely a few minutes. Anoor and son decided to perch by the shallow river. The rest of us continued our journey through the narrow road, that led to a beautiful opening. All of the dogs seemed pleased to be there, sniffing about in the familiar land. Without a second of hesitance, they made their way to the water and plonked. Haha, what an unusual sight. After a few hops and skips from rock to rock- there we were at the famous “diving spot” that I had been looking forward to. My mother and Antares waited by the bank and watch the three young ones splash about in the water.
The water was as perfect as perfect could be. Warm enough to keep you from shivering, and cold enough to give you a chill down your spine. Sabina climbed her way to a high spot on one of the rocks, apparently, the exact same spot that she allowed Antares to coax her for a good 15 minutes to take a plunge of death-or so she made it seem. While the both of us were busy getting all jittery, Tei made her way up to the “spot” and dove in fearless. Wow!! Where did the quiet mouse in her go to?? Sabina and i were in disbelief, we waited for her to pop her head out of the gushing waters, patiently as the anxiety in us built up. No biggie on her side tho, she arose from the water and the look on her face said it all- it was one hack of a thrill. She laughed and kept on tumbling among the rocks- Tei the little Mogli. Next up was my Sabina’s turn. Being the eldest among us and the more experienced one- there was no room to show fear. She took a leap, not to far out, but just enough to avoid the rocks that could have caused her some massive concussion. Then came my turn. Surprisingly, most of my anxiety had dispersed. Partially because my swimming skills had improved a tad bit over the past years. I held my nose tight and counted loudly, “one , two, three”!, not allowing my mind to take over my body, my feet left the rocks I stood on pushing my body as far as I could. I made a huge splash in the water, and I felt myself disappear from this world for a few seconds, time seemed maya. Somehow, I didn’t panic, I just let myself be. The current pushed me up and I followed till the waters were still. The adrenaline rush was out of this world, crinkly toes put to shame.
Adventurous we were, climbing every algae- filled rock and discovering every god-made jacuzzi. We strayed a little far, excited that we had found a pool- like spot, we swam about like little guppies. The day was getting chilly, so we made our way back. The swim home was a little tricky, and the current was not at our mercy. Before any of us could react to what was approaching, my reflex made me stretch out and pull my sister from falling down the rocky fall. I felt my heart dip when I missed her hand by a second, and there I was watching my other self dip down that intimidating waterfall, rock and all. I froze, and I waited. A few moments after, I saw her escape the current and hold on to a tree bark for her dear life. Antares quickly noticed the commotion, and he ran to her rescue. From the top of the waterfall, I could see the concern in my mother’s face. We were all scared, but somewhat relieved that she was alive and kicking. As I was hurrying my way to her, I saw her stand up. I stopped to take a few moments to myself- just registering that that very moment could have been the worst day of my life. From afar, I saw Antares performing reiki on her slightly injured leg, as she laughed . Pewh, how typical of Sabina Arokiam! I was angry and worried, and tickled and shocked all at the same time.
The whole “Sabina” drama marked the end of our little adventure. As we took our first few steps back home, suddenly my sister’s last words before she fell came to me. “Woops, Here I Go”. I burst out laughing and the others shared my amusement. Geez, I would never have imagined anyone’s last words before a near death experience to be: “Woops, Here I Go”!!!!!. One too many Murphy’s has made the flesh too sore.
When we stepped foot at the house again, the rain had already shied away. Caught up in the moment, I hadn’t noticed that Sabina was going through some severe emotional distress. I soon discovered that much to her horror- Brother E**** was also there for a visit. What odd luck, we were just talking about the few home-runs that he tried to score with my sister the last time she met him. Itchy man he is. As the story goes, he even tried to rest his fingers under my sister’s bum as she was about to sit on a chair. Hahahah, who would have expected it from a brother eh? She said a quick hello, and avoided much delay after.
We made ourselves at home in what Antares had introduced to us as- his “bamboo palace’. It was just the perfect home, nipah roof, bamboo floor, and beautiful veranda- all of which were resting on stilts. I stole a few minutes alone on the hammock after drying up. I swung slow, afraid that it might give way considering that it was just bamboo keeping the house together.
Tea was served, we sat around a plastic table enjoying the tea that Antares had mad for us- each cup catered to our specific interest, the smell of wet-dog made me feel at home. Conversations after that gave me a clue that both my mother and Antares had already exchanged a few stories about my family. Tea time brought us many interesting conversation, many of which that touched me on a more personal note. Brother E**** however, was too obsessed yacking away about himself, disrupting the sync of the energy around the table that existed before. I had prepared myself for a horny little bastard, but nothing annoys me more than a yacky know-it –all. from across, I saw my mother trying her best to make conversation with Anoor. From her facial expressions, crinkly excess skin on her forehead- I could tell that most of the conversation was lost in translation.
I got off my seat and took the stairs down. Being the perfect opportunity to escape the round table discussion, Tei jolted out of her chair and followed me down. We took a walk around the house and settled down facing the beautiful sunset. The silver lining was amazing, the rays and the orangey-pink sky made it extra- ordinary. We started talking, and I begun to enjoy our conversation. She spoke to me about her four brothers, and I butted in by saying that I would be happy to share my sister with her. She nodded her head, and said thank you. She looked like she needed to say something, so I kept my eyes locked on her face. She smiled as she said, “I love her very much, she is the best teacher”. I couldn’t describe how proud of my sister I was at that moment, this is the greatest gift one could give to another- love and knowledge. I was happy that Sabina had made a difference in her life- just as she had done in mine. I learnt so much about that young girl in that few minutes. She is a strong, unique, loving young woman, and one day- she shall be great, not because she must, but because she knows that it is she.
Right before the last ray of sunlight disappeared, the sweet potatoes were ready- freshly baked, hot and wild. It was the best sweet potatoes I have ever tasted, I admit, it may have been fully psychological. I made my way around the little crowd avoiding Antares’ legs afraid that his sarong might give way any moment, settled myself in the only available spot- beside Antares’ wife. We soon made small conversations. I found it hilarious, we seemed like we were having a fully functional conversation, but to tell you the truth- I couldn’t understand a single word she was saying and vice versa. But it didn’t matter, all she wanted was for someone to listed, the nodding and smiling looked like it made her happy, so I kept up my good work. From what I gathered, one of the most intense topics throughout our conversation involved the word ‘mabuk” for more than four times followed by “nenek” “mati” and “longkang”. Thinking of it now, geez, poor lady, gruesome even - if it means what I think it means.
We rounded up our conversations and said our goodbyes, exchanging a few hugs. It seemed like everyone there had enjoyed each other’s presence, and farewell was not an option- we would most definitely be back in the near future. In fact, Antares’ wife had asked me for my phone number. According to him, this is the first time she had taken interest in anyone, all the more, ask for a number. Antares couldn’t help but spark some curiosity among the rest. Apparently, she hasn’t yet conquered the superficial knowledge of functioning a phone. She pulled me closer to her, and whispered, “bawa baju, rambutan, dan nie (pointing to her eyes)”. Ahhhhhh, now it all made sense, for a second I thought I was special. It seems like I was the perfect target to fish a gift, impressed by the rainbow on my eyes, lips and nails. Everyone had a good laugh, because she did it in such a pure and innocent way, shining the child in her. I dug through my bag- and brought out my lipstick. The glow on her face was priceless as I handed it to her.
Today I got to know many strangers, today I went back to my real home, today I shared my love, today I learnt many things new. It was a splendid day indeed. I hope I have many more days as such, to keep my spirits high.
We parked our car by the hill, and walked up to Antares’ house. Antares is a well-known local artist, a rebel at heart, eccentric at being, and one that fights for a good cause…just because. From afar, I saw his wife, Anoor waving at us. Wrapped in what we would call rags, there stood a woman- a real woman. Her skin was dark, features somewhat unique, short curly hair, thin and petite, young in flesh but old in soul. Antares now stays with the orang asli in Kuala Kubu Bharu, well-assimilated into their culture, and the proud husband of one of the locals. I have heard stories before, that Antares had wedded a “special” woman, and was gifted with one “special” son. I was there that day, to meet them- and of course taste Antares’ famous “magic mushrooms” that he had promised us prior to our visit. However, sadly, unfortunately, and with much relief to my mother, Antares had helped himself to a few cups of “happy tea” while waiting for our arrival. His six dogs and five cats roamed his land and shared the vicinity.
We climbed up the stairs leading to his house, bearing gifts of shit- literally. My sister thought that it would be a nice gesture to bring him some organic fertilizer- to enrich his rich land. True enough, he was ecstatic at the sight of shit. We introduced ourselves to the family. His wife seemed a little reserved and skeptic. His son, a 12 year old naked boy, thin and tall, squatted on a plastic chair glued to the computer- was completely oblivious to our presence. Unlike his father, this little one couldn’t give two shits. The house was on stilts, so I walked below the window and called for him. He greeted me with an “alien language”. Most of his syllables were made up of the sounds “la” and “na’. In a weird way, I completely understood him. A thought passed through my mind- he didn’t mind not being understood- which by itself is an understanding of the self that is so profound. He made me smile, and I made him “na na la la la”.
The sky was starting to get dark, we felt a few drops of rain trickle down our body. We immediately packed the necessary, gathered the heard and headed down to the waterfall. How sweet it must be- living next to such a majestic creation, with the sound of the cicadas to kill the silence- being in a place that was made for you, in your land that you inherited from children, right where one was ment to be.
The journey there took barely a few minutes. Anoor and son decided to perch by the shallow river. The rest of us continued our journey through the narrow road, that led to a beautiful opening. All of the dogs seemed pleased to be there, sniffing about in the familiar land. Without a second of hesitance, they made their way to the water and plonked. Haha, what an unusual sight. After a few hops and skips from rock to rock- there we were at the famous “diving spot” that I had been looking forward to. My mother and Antares waited by the bank and watch the three young ones splash about in the water.
The water was as perfect as perfect could be. Warm enough to keep you from shivering, and cold enough to give you a chill down your spine. Sabina climbed her way to a high spot on one of the rocks, apparently, the exact same spot that she allowed Antares to coax her for a good 15 minutes to take a plunge of death-or so she made it seem. While the both of us were busy getting all jittery, Tei made her way up to the “spot” and dove in fearless. Wow!! Where did the quiet mouse in her go to?? Sabina and i were in disbelief, we waited for her to pop her head out of the gushing waters, patiently as the anxiety in us built up. No biggie on her side tho, she arose from the water and the look on her face said it all- it was one hack of a thrill. She laughed and kept on tumbling among the rocks- Tei the little Mogli. Next up was my Sabina’s turn. Being the eldest among us and the more experienced one- there was no room to show fear. She took a leap, not to far out, but just enough to avoid the rocks that could have caused her some massive concussion. Then came my turn. Surprisingly, most of my anxiety had dispersed. Partially because my swimming skills had improved a tad bit over the past years. I held my nose tight and counted loudly, “one , two, three”!, not allowing my mind to take over my body, my feet left the rocks I stood on pushing my body as far as I could. I made a huge splash in the water, and I felt myself disappear from this world for a few seconds, time seemed maya. Somehow, I didn’t panic, I just let myself be. The current pushed me up and I followed till the waters were still. The adrenaline rush was out of this world, crinkly toes put to shame.
Adventurous we were, climbing every algae- filled rock and discovering every god-made jacuzzi. We strayed a little far, excited that we had found a pool- like spot, we swam about like little guppies. The day was getting chilly, so we made our way back. The swim home was a little tricky, and the current was not at our mercy. Before any of us could react to what was approaching, my reflex made me stretch out and pull my sister from falling down the rocky fall. I felt my heart dip when I missed her hand by a second, and there I was watching my other self dip down that intimidating waterfall, rock and all. I froze, and I waited. A few moments after, I saw her escape the current and hold on to a tree bark for her dear life. Antares quickly noticed the commotion, and he ran to her rescue. From the top of the waterfall, I could see the concern in my mother’s face. We were all scared, but somewhat relieved that she was alive and kicking. As I was hurrying my way to her, I saw her stand up. I stopped to take a few moments to myself- just registering that that very moment could have been the worst day of my life. From afar, I saw Antares performing reiki on her slightly injured leg, as she laughed . Pewh, how typical of Sabina Arokiam! I was angry and worried, and tickled and shocked all at the same time.
The whole “Sabina” drama marked the end of our little adventure. As we took our first few steps back home, suddenly my sister’s last words before she fell came to me. “Woops, Here I Go”. I burst out laughing and the others shared my amusement. Geez, I would never have imagined anyone’s last words before a near death experience to be: “Woops, Here I Go”!!!!!. One too many Murphy’s has made the flesh too sore.
When we stepped foot at the house again, the rain had already shied away. Caught up in the moment, I hadn’t noticed that Sabina was going through some severe emotional distress. I soon discovered that much to her horror- Brother E**** was also there for a visit. What odd luck, we were just talking about the few home-runs that he tried to score with my sister the last time she met him. Itchy man he is. As the story goes, he even tried to rest his fingers under my sister’s bum as she was about to sit on a chair. Hahahah, who would have expected it from a brother eh? She said a quick hello, and avoided much delay after.
We made ourselves at home in what Antares had introduced to us as- his “bamboo palace’. It was just the perfect home, nipah roof, bamboo floor, and beautiful veranda- all of which were resting on stilts. I stole a few minutes alone on the hammock after drying up. I swung slow, afraid that it might give way considering that it was just bamboo keeping the house together.
Tea was served, we sat around a plastic table enjoying the tea that Antares had mad for us- each cup catered to our specific interest, the smell of wet-dog made me feel at home. Conversations after that gave me a clue that both my mother and Antares had already exchanged a few stories about my family. Tea time brought us many interesting conversation, many of which that touched me on a more personal note. Brother E**** however, was too obsessed yacking away about himself, disrupting the sync of the energy around the table that existed before. I had prepared myself for a horny little bastard, but nothing annoys me more than a yacky know-it –all. from across, I saw my mother trying her best to make conversation with Anoor. From her facial expressions, crinkly excess skin on her forehead- I could tell that most of the conversation was lost in translation.
I got off my seat and took the stairs down. Being the perfect opportunity to escape the round table discussion, Tei jolted out of her chair and followed me down. We took a walk around the house and settled down facing the beautiful sunset. The silver lining was amazing, the rays and the orangey-pink sky made it extra- ordinary. We started talking, and I begun to enjoy our conversation. She spoke to me about her four brothers, and I butted in by saying that I would be happy to share my sister with her. She nodded her head, and said thank you. She looked like she needed to say something, so I kept my eyes locked on her face. She smiled as she said, “I love her very much, she is the best teacher”. I couldn’t describe how proud of my sister I was at that moment, this is the greatest gift one could give to another- love and knowledge. I was happy that Sabina had made a difference in her life- just as she had done in mine. I learnt so much about that young girl in that few minutes. She is a strong, unique, loving young woman, and one day- she shall be great, not because she must, but because she knows that it is she.
Right before the last ray of sunlight disappeared, the sweet potatoes were ready- freshly baked, hot and wild. It was the best sweet potatoes I have ever tasted, I admit, it may have been fully psychological. I made my way around the little crowd avoiding Antares’ legs afraid that his sarong might give way any moment, settled myself in the only available spot- beside Antares’ wife. We soon made small conversations. I found it hilarious, we seemed like we were having a fully functional conversation, but to tell you the truth- I couldn’t understand a single word she was saying and vice versa. But it didn’t matter, all she wanted was for someone to listed, the nodding and smiling looked like it made her happy, so I kept up my good work. From what I gathered, one of the most intense topics throughout our conversation involved the word ‘mabuk” for more than four times followed by “nenek” “mati” and “longkang”. Thinking of it now, geez, poor lady, gruesome even - if it means what I think it means.
We rounded up our conversations and said our goodbyes, exchanging a few hugs. It seemed like everyone there had enjoyed each other’s presence, and farewell was not an option- we would most definitely be back in the near future. In fact, Antares’ wife had asked me for my phone number. According to him, this is the first time she had taken interest in anyone, all the more, ask for a number. Antares couldn’t help but spark some curiosity among the rest. Apparently, she hasn’t yet conquered the superficial knowledge of functioning a phone. She pulled me closer to her, and whispered, “bawa baju, rambutan, dan nie (pointing to her eyes)”. Ahhhhhh, now it all made sense, for a second I thought I was special. It seems like I was the perfect target to fish a gift, impressed by the rainbow on my eyes, lips and nails. Everyone had a good laugh, because she did it in such a pure and innocent way, shining the child in her. I dug through my bag- and brought out my lipstick. The glow on her face was priceless as I handed it to her.
Today I got to know many strangers, today I went back to my real home, today I shared my love, today I learnt many things new. It was a splendid day indeed. I hope I have many more days as such, to keep my spirits high.
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